New Workshop Series Offers Hands-on Training in Software Defined Networking, Science DMZ and perfSONAR

Operating Innovative Networks (OIN) Workshops Created For University and Laboratory Network Engineers Building Next-Gen Campus Networks

Networking experts from ESnet, Indiana University and Internet2 are launching a new workshop series to help accelerate the deployment of next-gen research networks that can more effectively support data-intensive science.
Called the Operating Innovative Networks or OIN Workshop Series, the meetings are designed for university or government research laboratory network engineers seeking in-depth training on emerging technologies and architectures like software-defined networking, the Science DMZ paradigm, and perfSONAR monitoring. Both the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation consider these to be critical technologies for any science collaboration requiring high performance, big data science applications, including high-volume bulk data transfer, remote experiment control, and data visualization. 
The organizers plan to hold four to five workshops at different locations around the country over the next 12 months to provide multiple opportunities for various universities and laboratories to participate.  The next in the series will be held this week in the Chicago-area hosted by the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) at the CIC Big Ten Conference Center.
The workshops will generally consist of two full days of presentation material led by engineers at the three host organizations, along with hands-on exercises designed to encourage immediate adoption of emerging technologies at the participant’s home institutions.  By the end of the event, attendees will have a better understanding of the requirements for supporting scientific use of the network, architectural strategies that can simplify these interactions, and knowledge of tools strategies that can be used to mitigate problems their users may encounter. 

For detailed information on the workshop series and upcoming events, visit:
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