Altair Engineering Collaborates with The MathWorks

PBS Professional is an open workload management solution for high- performance computing (HPC) environments. The software maximizes the utilization of computing resources by intelligently scheduling and managing computational workload in a number of industries. By increasing the efficiency of the hardware and software resources, PBS Professional reduces total cost of ownership and provides true business value to grid computing customers. The Distributing Computing Toolbox provides engineers and scientists with a high-productivity programming tool that simplifies the task of developing distributed and parallel applications and executes them on a cluster of computers, without leaving the technical computing development environment. "Since the Distributed Computing Toolbox provides a scheduler interface via open APIs, it was easy to integrate the Toolbox with PBS Professional. This integration will allow our customers to take advantage of the unique capabilities of the PBS Professional workload manager," said Silvina Grad- Freilich, product manager for distributed computing and application deployment products at The MathWorks. "The collaboration with The MathWorks and integrating their Toolbox into PBS Professional brings a new level of sophistication to our advanced grid technology," said Michael Humphrey, vice president of Altair's GridWorks business unit. "Bundled together, these products are completely compatible and will provide both of our customers with the dependable flexibility to apply resources exactly when and where they are needed."