Aug. 25 Deadline to Apply for SC 2006 Minority Outreach Program

The SC2006 Minority Outreach Program offers a unique opportunity for underrepresented groups to observe first hand the advancements being made in the high performance computing environment and meet many of the leading experts in the fields of high performance computing, networking, data storage and analysis. The Minority Outreach Program will fund up to 40 participants to attend SC2006. Participants will be reimbursed up to $1,500 to cover the cost of travel and lodging up to the amount of $1,500. In addition to the reimbursement, participants will be given a complementary SC registration for either the Technical Program or the Tutorials Program. The Tutorial Program participants will also receive a pass to the SC Exhibits Hall. The grant award is non-transferable. IEEE and ACM, the professional societies which sponsor the SC conference series, have funded the SC Minority Outreach Program since its inception in 2000. The program’s goal is to foster collaborative relationships between faculty, IT professionals and students at minority serving institutes (MSIs), and research scientists at major research centers, as well as improving the amount and quality of computational science education at MSIs. Grant Application Process: To apply candidates should complete and submit the SC Minority Outreach Program Grant Application Form by August 25, 2006. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance via e-mail by September 4, 2006. Awards will be made until all slots are filled. Complete information on the program and how to apply can be found at its Web site. For more information, contact Valerie B. Thomas at More information about SC2006, which is sponsored by IEEE and ACM, can be found at: its Web site.