Airbus Selects SynfiniWay from Fujitsu to Provide Grid

SynfiniWay proved to have the most complete and integrated grid computing solution for Aerodynamics analyses at Airbus, combining service-oriented applications with open workflow capabilities for efficient support of complex dynamic processes. Naoya Tamura, CEO Fujitsu Systems Europe, stated: “Fujitsu is pleased that Airbus has identified SynfiniWay as the standard HPC grid middleware, forming a key component of their enterprise grid strategy. We have demonstrated that SynfiniWay is both easy to deploy and customise to the existing environment, bridging the engineering business process and global system infrastructure. The clean and decentralised architecture of SynfiniWay will allow progressive expansion of the compute grid, and we look forward to working closely with Airbus IT and Engineering teams in the next phase of production deployment.” The SynfiniWay grid framework will be used as the common interface for heterogeneous HPC machines and data transfer. Virtualisation of these systems now gives Airbus greater flexibility in resource deployment, allowing a reduction in project times through meta-scheduling and task interleaving. Dataflow is implicitly handled by the SynfiniWay framework, being directly synchronised with the process workflow to ensure a continuous movement of data from the file server through compute nodes to the workstation. Fujitsu Systems Europe has also been contracted to develop the services around the aerodynamic applications, and to integrate SynfiniWay within the existing user desktop tools for transparent grid access.