DataSynapse Works with Spanish Telecommunications Giant Telefonica

GridServer will enable Telefonica Soluciones' customers to move to a "Services on Demand" grid environment where heterogeneous system resources are pooled, virtualized and allocated as needed to satisfy the unpredictable demand for computing power. GridServer's virtualization capabilities improve productivity and performance levels across the customer's enterprise without having to rewrite code or re-factor the entire system architecture. GridServer will dynamically provision services in varying quantities against variable infrastructure resources and prevent over-provisioning of compute resources in different areas of the client organization. It is anticipated that Telefonica's fixed and mobile telephony businesses will quickly and efficiently realize the benefits of a service-oriented architecture (SOA), delivering optimized application performance and resource utilization which will guarantee higher service-levels and application resiliency. For Telefonica's 122 million customers, GridServer will enable improved service-levels across the firm's customer portals, faster statement provisioning and powerful reporting with improved reliability. "A handful of European telcos are now poised to begin developing services for external users that employ grids. The telcos have a wide variety of potential business models around grids, from saving money on internal applications to more lofty ambitions of becoming grid resource brokers," said William Fellows, Principal Analyst with The 451 Group, a technology industry analyst company focused on the business of enterprise IT innovation. This comment appeared in an independent 451 Grid Adoption Research Service (GARS) report, titled "Grid Computing - The Telco Opportunity," which was published in October 2004. "As a world leader in the telecoms services market, we offer our customers the very best service-levels and we are delighted to be partnering with a grid computing firm with proven market expertise," said Eliseo Sanchez Trasobares, CEO of Telefonica Soluciones. "Together, DataSynapse and Telefonica Soluciones will offer the best balance of local knowledge and management with innovative, world-leading grid technology." "No matter the industry, firms are facing an increasing demand for compute power with fewer resources at their disposal, making grid technology an attractive prospect," said Willy Ross, DataSynapse managing director of Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). "Our partnership with Telefonica enables us to gain a firm foothold in the Spanish and Latin American markets giving us enormous potential for business growth. GridServer offers powerful capabilities that can add value to firms in any sector, be it financial services, telecoms, government, manufacturing or energy."