Deadlines Extended for Students to Participate in 2005 Tapia

Additionally, graduate students are encouraged to apply to attend the one-day Doctoral Consortium being held in conjunction with the conference. The deadline for applying for the Doctoral Consortium has also been extended to May 20. “We’ve received quite a number of inquiries from students interested in participating in the conference, but we also realize that the original deadline fell pretty close to the end of the school year for many students,” said Tapia Conference Chair Pamela Williams of Sandia National Laboratories. “Giving students two more weeks to submit their proposals and applications should make it a little easier for them.” Tapia 2005, the third in the series, will be held Oct. 19-22, 2005, in Albuquerque under the theme “A Diversity of Scholars – a Tapestry of Discovery.” Tapia 2005 is co-sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery and the IEEE Computer Society, in cooperation with the Computing Research Association. For more information about the Tapia 2005 conference, visit the Web site at its Website. Scholarships The 2005 Tapia Conference scholarships were established to encourage and support participation in the conference by people from groups that are underrepresented in computer science, mathematics, computational sciences and engineering. Scholarships to cover travel, hotel accommodations, meals, and conference registration, are being provided to assure the attendance of those who would otherwise be unable to attend and ensure diversity in conference attendance. In awarding scholarships, preference will be given to students and mentors (from academia, industry or government) who present posters, papers, and panels at the conference. The extended deadline for applying for scholarships is Friday, May 20. Detailed information about applying can be found at its Website. Questions about the scholarship program should be sent to Posters and Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) Submissions Students are encouraged to submit abstracts of no more than 150 words for posters focusing on late-breaking research results. BoF proposals should include an abstract on the topic of the BoF, the expected audience for the BOF session, and a brief summary on the qualifications of the organizer who will lead the BOF session. Abstracts and proposals should be submitted by Friday, May 20, 2005. Doctoral Consortium Submissions The Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for Ph.D. students to present, discuss and explore their research interests and career objectives with a panel of established researchers. Application packages should be submitted no later than Friday, May 20, 2005. More information can be found at its Website. The Tapia conference series honors the significant contributions of Richard A. Tapia, a mathematician and professor in the Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics at Rice University in Houston, Texas. He is internationally known for his research in computational and mathematical sciences and is a national leader in education and outreach programs. Tapia has authored or co-authored two books and more than 80 mathematical research papers. His current positions at Rice are Noah Harding Professor of Computational and Applied Mathematics; Associate Director of Graduate Studies, Office of Graduate Studies; and Director of the Center for Excellence and Equity in Education. The Tapia conference series enjoys the support of a number of academic, research and business organizations, with Google the newest organization to sign on as a supporter. The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, the Computer Science Department at UI Urbana-Champaign, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and Sandia National Laboratories have previously committed support for Tapia 2005. For more information about the different levels of support and the associated benefits, go to its Website.