Dell delivers to the most demanding

While the NASDAQ and New York stock exchanges have a ways to go to restore the 401K plans, Dell continues to lead a technical charge in high end computing. The latest systems are packed full of some of the best technology the marketplace has to offer. Hardware technology is only part of the story and to be successful in today’s ever expanding computing maze of mirrors, you must supply the tools to make the melded mix of silicon and electricity perform the tasks at hand. This again is where Dell stands out from the rest. Dell was able to get a grasp on the operation and provide the intermediate set of valued intermediate ware to make it easier for us to connect up to the many tools we had in place, according to Randish. Dell is a new player in high end computing. There are many ways to run a company and consistently meeting the needs of current customers and correctly choosing new markets to grow into requires a level of business savvy that can not by taught from a book and read in research report. Dell has not only found a way in this market, but also created a plan to provide the customer with the quality, service, performance, tools and timely deliveries to make a seamless process. This is why the new Dell servers are setup to work perfectly for their customers. Whether you would like the latest version of Microsoft Server or Red Hat Linux, Dell will provide you a complete time proven solution capable of meeting your specific computing demands. Dell, along with many other computer companies sense the traditional UNIX market is great place for high end computing sales. The aging traditional UNIX type systems are slow and expensive to maintain. Going with the Linux operating system supplied from Red Hat can make for an easy integration and upgrade in this traditional research minded environment. So now it is time to consider how far Dell will go into the world of high end computing. Just a bit of thought - Dell has 13 systems in the Top500 with one rated at #5.