Tsunami Research Announces HiveCreator 2.0

“When the first version of HiveCreator was unveiled just over a year ago, Tsunami proclaimed a bold vision for bringing unmatched levels of reliability and affordability to the world of mission critical applications through the use of commodity-class computers,” said Bob Lozano, founder and CEO of Tsunami Research. “Today we’ve raised the bar. HiveCreator 2.0 presents significant new opportunities to enterprises seeking to maximize the value of their investment in transactional applications.” HiveCreator, the first Hive computing solution, enables enterprises to achieve dramatic reductions in the cost, time and complexity associated with developing, deploying and maintaining transactional and service-oriented applications. By linking groups of dedicated commodity-class computers into a self-healing, self-organizing, and self-managing application fabric, HiveCreator allows enterprises to deploy their mission-critical applications in a manner that is simultaneously highly reliable, extremely scalable, and considerably less expensive than traditional approaches. "With Hive computing, Tsunami Research is attempting to reinvent the way IT delivers high performance services levels using high volume, low priced infrastructure,” states Mary Johnston Turner, vice president of enterprise strategies with Summit Strategies, a Boston-based strategic IT research and consulting firm. “If Hive computing lives up to its promise and truly enables self-healing, autonomic applications to thrive on a commercial scale, Tsunami could be responsible for dramatically reducing the capital cost of enterprise IT, while improving manageability and end-to-end application performance." New Linux Support HiveCreator 2.0 now features support for the Linux operating system, making building and running mission critical applications more affordable and flexible than ever before. HiveCreator customers can now choose between the Linux, Microsoft Windows, and FreeBSD operating systems when building a Hive. The cost effectiveness of Linux is one of the key forces behind its increasing adoption in the enterprise (SG Cowen Survey, November 2003). With the addition of HiveCreator support for Linux, enterprises can now extend the operating system’s cost advantages to their most important transactional and service-oriented applications. Enterprise-Ready Performance HiveCreator 2.0 also features greatly enhanced performance and scalability, allowing customers to meet more challenging application demands with their existing infrastructure, and maximizing the value they receive from incremental hardware investments. Tuned to exceed the demanding needs of enterprises deploying mission critical Hive-based applications, HiveCreator 2.0 provides a next-generation Hive architecture featuring streamlined network communications and enhancements to the mechanisms through which a Hive adapts to changes in the underlying hardware. Product Availability HiveCreator 2.0 is available immediately. An Evaluation Edition may be requested via the Tsunami Research Web site at www.tsunamiresearch.com.