Registration Opens Feb. 15 for the 19th International Supercomputer Conference

The ISC, the leading event in supercomputing in Europe, is a premier venue for gaining an international perspective on the field of HPC. Combining a strong lineup of technical experts with exhibits from leading supercomputing centers, as well as hardware and software vendors, ISC presents state-of-the-art applications, architectures and trends in supercomputing. As a result, this HPC event has created a unique atmosphere of collaboration and cooperation. The conference program is conducted in English. In addition to the strong technical program, ISC2004 is also awarding the first-ever ISC Award sponsored by AMD. The deadline for submissions is Monday, Feb. 16, 2004. Established by AMD, one of ISC2004’s premier sponsors, the award will be given to authors of papers in three areas: HPC Systems Software; Innovative Supercomputer Architectures; and Integrated Data and Information Management. For more information about the award, go to “While this year’s speakers, who include Keynote Steven Wallach and Caltech’s Thomas Sterling, continue our tradition of presenting leading-edge perspectives, we are very enthused about the addition of three refereed talks and the ISC award,” said Conference Chairman Prof. Hans Werner Meuer of the University of Mannheim. “The nature of our conference, as well as the location, also leads to very productive exchanges of ideas in the hallways, over meals and after-hours.” Attendees who register for ISC2004 before May 10 will benefit from the advance registration rates, saving up to 100 euros over the late registration fees. Registration information will be posted Feb. 15 on the conference Web site at The annual conference is held in Heidelberg, the home of Germany's oldest university as well as a thriving modern research community.