Saab Aerostructures Invests in MSC.Software's MSC.MasterKey License System

"One of the interesting things we are seeing with the adoption of the MSC.MasterKey system is that it appeals to customers no matter what core technology they may have been using in the past, including customers who were formally only MSC.Nastran or MSC.ADAMS users," says Frank Perna, chairman and chief executive officer of MSC.Software. "We are very pleased at the progress being made by our direct sales force with the MSC.MasterKey System and are confident that our customers at Saab will continue to evolve their use of VPD technologies and increase the efficiency of their development processes." "We switched to the MSC.MasterKey License because we realized that a token-based offering such as the MSC.MasterKey License System could help us to get more out of our existing licenses and gives us the possibility to add more tools at convenient conditions," said Anders Rydbom, Manager of the Stress Engineering office at Saab Aerostructures. "Since Saab Aerostructures is generally looking into minimizing the number of suppliers and to lower the overall cost, I am convinced that with this convenient offer we will soon also evaluate other MSC.Software products and include them into our development process." "Under the MSC.MasterKey License System we could easily switch to MSC.Patran, which offers similar features and capabilities as our previous combination of commercial and in-house developed tools. Specific Saab functionality has been implemented using the MSC.Patran PCL command language and it is obvious that today it is much more cost-efficient to use commercial software than to support and maintain the development of in-house products," adds Torsten Brama responsible for analysis tools.