Y3K Technology to Support Guinness World Record Attempt

"ChessBrain takes advantage of the largely unused idle processing power of over a thousand many different types of computers located throughout the world," stated Carlos Justiniano, the creator of the ChessBrain chess engine and the architect of the huge virtual supercomputer which drives the ChessBrain game engine. "ChessBrain has already combined over a thousand computers from over 50 countries in a game of chess. While chess has been a life time love of mine, the purpose of the exhibition is not just to have fun with a super high-tech game of chess, but to demonstrate the awesome computing power that can be harnessed from combining the unused, idle time, of thousands of everyday, ordinary computers linked together from all over the planet." "We at Y3K are extremely proud to support Carlos Justiniano and the Distributed Computing Foundation in their world record breaking event," stated King Cole, President of Y3K. "Carlos Justiniano is one of the principal architects of Y3K's ICS secure communications platform, and the primary developer of our 'light weight client' code, a key feature of the ICS secure communications platform. We are also very proud indeed that our ICS secure communications platform will link the participants from around the world with the organizers in Denmark, providing real time, secure instant messaging." Why Distributed Computing? Distributed Computing can be loosely defined as the use of geographically distant computers connected together to achieve a common purpose. It is increasingly touching the lives of almost everyone on the planet. Almost every aspect of our ability to communicate, publish, educate and share information utilizes computers collaborating together in some form or the other. This exhibition uses the age-old game of chess to demonstrate how this cutting edge collaborative technology can provide innovative new channels for geographically diverse businesses, organizations and individuals to communicate in a secure real-time environment. Because of their cutting-edge products and strategic partnerships, including alliances with Carlos Justiniano and the Distributed Computing Foundation, Y3K is uniquely positioned to take the lead role in driving the development of the technology that underlies the accomplishment of securely linking all of the computers within this international distributed computing network to achieve this world record in Denmark. Cedric Griss, both a founding member of the Distributed Computing Foundation, and technology consultant for Y3K, has long been a proponent of distributed processing computing. "We are really excited about this important step in the world of distributed computing. The collaboration and forward thinking nature of the organizations and individuals working on this project, from Y3K and other leaders in the technology and computer industries, to the Distributed Computing Foundation and the international community, really brings to life how this technology can touch our everyday lives," stated Griss. "The Foundation recognizes the important role that Y3K's technology can play in establishing secure communications for businesses and communities on both a national and international level. We are excited that Y3K has stepped forward to support this important effort, and that their software and vision have helped us drive this effort forward."