DataSynapse Releases First Grid Computing Solution to Power Web Services

DataSynapse's software provides a resilient, scalable platform to host services and applications over a grid of commodity processors, performing thousands of web service requests in parallel. With its standards-based approach, GridServer commoditizes IT infrastructure costs so organisations can deploy, manage and operate business applications' workloads and web services in a virtual, heterogeneous operating environment. Taking advantage of these benefits, a number of leading institutions have recently licensed GridServer to "grid enable" their key enterprise applications. These include institutions such as GE Financial Assurance, CIBC, a top five US banking and diversified financial services company, as well as one of the largest global multi-service human resource providers. GridServer's quantifiable benefits have been validated again by winning two Financial Times/The Banker awards: for "Risk Management Solution of the Year" and "Business ROI of the Year." "IBM is working with DataSynapse to help organisations integrate service-oriented capabilities into their operating infrastructure," said IBM's Dan Powers, vice president, Grid strategy. "DataSynapse's GridServer is designed to provide businesses with the ability to address scale, capacity and resiliency requirements across their infrastructures built to open standards. The software's architecture and implementation embraces open grid standards architecture such as OGSA, bringing together grid computing and web services in a single integrated operating framework." "Intel sees DataSynapse's GridServer solution helping to accelerate the adoption of grid computing environments in the enterprise, thus enabling lower total cost of ownership and increasing application performance, scalability and resiliency, while better utilising overall IT infrastructure. GridServer decouples applications from proprietary architectures and allows them to achieve the volume economics of open-standard computing environments," said Robert Fogel, director of grid initiatives, Intel. "Deploying scalable web services on high performance Intel-based systems with GridServer is a very compelling alternative to traditional approaches." GridServer builds on its predecessor product's application performance, reliability and scalability benefits by expanding its application-based functionality to enable on-demand, service-oriented architectures. Web services may now be hosted on a distributed, grid environment capable of servicing high throughput or compute-intensive service requests. A single web services client is capable of making thousands of parallel, asynchronous web services calls to GridServer. "GridServer dramatically broadens the scope of applications and services that can now benefit from grid computing, said Frank Cicio, COO, DataSynapse. "Whether firms are running legacy applications or next generation web services, they can virtualize their environment with GridServer to efficiently manage their workload across business units, over all their resources, from mainframes to desktops." GridServer provides new approaches that make it possible to integrate applications and services without any references to proprietary interfaces, simply by capitalizing on the WSDL (Web Services Definition Language) web standard. It provides a grid hosting environment for and interoperability between all Java and .NET web services. DataSynapse's technology is the only grid technology to address the issues facing real-time applications -- service based processing, low-latency/high throughput, state management, guaranteed messaging and autonomic services. The GridServer software provides a hosting environment for servicing applications in a distributed operating environment, while providing a web services standards-based interface. It drives commoditization of infrastructure costs, while providing critical functionality, such as: - Enabling applications to be decoupled from dedicated servers and automatically migrate to the best suited resource at run-time, driving performance and reducing costs; - Leveraging and optimising an organisation's available resources, including sharing application workload between centralised hosts and distributed computing resources as well as across lines of business; and - Increasing application resiliency, performance and/or scalability. GridServer supports interoperability and support of commodity hardware and software components including Intel Architecture and open source operating environments such as Linux and Globus Tool Kit Version 3.0 (GT3).