Mazda Selects SGI Technology to Enhance Automobile Design and Development

Previously, CAE server access was limited to CAE engineering specialists in the analysis group. However, Mazda and CD-adapco Japan Co., Ltd., have jointly developed an Analysis Support System ("PTECS") that additionally enables the CAE server to be directly and easily used by engineers in the design group. With improvements in the application environment providing expanded productivity options, more users are now able to directly access the SGI Origin 3800 CAE server, further advancing Mazda's new automobile development projects. The new system was sold jointly with Sumisho Electronics, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, and includes the SGI Origin 3800 server powered by 56 CPUs and an SGI® TP9100 storage system with 1.7TB, providing approximately 10 times the computing power of the previous system. SGI's scalable parallel processing capabilities and the SGI® NUMAflexTM shared-memory architecture in the SGI Origin 3800 server and overall support provided by SGI Japan were strong factors in Mazda's recent investment. SGI Japan continues its long-standing relationship with Mazda, which includes the previous installation of several high-performance 3D computer-aided design workstations at the company. SGI NUMAflex Architecture Provides Flexibility SGI Japan has already delivered numerous SGI® Origin® 3000 series high-performance supercomputers to manufacturing companies, including other leading automobile manufacturers in Japan. With the NUMAflex shared-memory architecture, SGI systems can scale up to a large-scale parallel server configuration with 512 CPUs per system, giving users the flexibility to customize based on their required performance and capabilities. These systems are ideal for complex computing needs with vast amounts of data, such as fluid dynamics and structure analysis for the manufacturing sectors and scientific engineering calculations and simulations. This week at the Supercomputing 2002 exhibition, taking place in Baltimore, Md., from Nov. 19-21, SGI is celebrating 20 years of innovation and leadership in high-performance computing (HPC) with new enhancements for HPC solutions based on the IRIX® operating system with NUMAflex architecture. Also featured will be a technology preview of a future SGI system based on the Intel® Itanium® 2 processor running the Linux® operating system in the SGI booth, #1521.