Deadline Extended for Microsoft eScience Workshop Abstracts

The conference also seeks presentation ideas on topics related to all areas of e-science. Some examples include: * Modeling of natural systems * Knowledge discovery and merging datasets * Science data analysis, mining, and visualization * Healthcare and biomedical informatics * High performance computing in science * Innovations in publishing scientific literature, results, and data * The impact of eScience on teaching and learning * Applying novel information technologies to disaster management * Robotics in science * Scientific challenges with no obvious computing solutions The program committee will evaluate abstracts and those not selected for presentation will be offered the chance to participate in a poster session. The Microsoft eScience Workshop will bring together scientist from a variety of disciplines to share their research and their experiences of how computing is shaping their work. The focus will be on the research and the technologies that make that research possible. Workshop co-chairs are RENCI Director Dan Reed and Tony Hey, Microsoft's corporate vice president for technical computing. Event posters are available upon request from