Lumeta joins AWS marketplace

Lumeta ESI Real-Time Network Situational Awareness Now Available for AWS Subscribers

Lumeta has announced that Amazon Web Services (AWS) subscribers can now use Lumeta Enterprise Situational Intelligence (ESI) to gain real-time network situational awareness of both AWS cloud instances and on-premises physical or virtual infrastructure. For enterprise and government customers looking to continuously monitor their network security posture, a new Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for Lumeta ESI is available in the AWS Marketplace.

IT security and network operations teams are being tasked with securing network infrastructures and protecting data assets that are increasingly located in the public IaaS cloud. The AWS platform is flexible and scalable to such a point that IT security and network operations teams are often unaware of the enterprise-connected AWS cloud instances that departments or business units have spun up. These silos of activity have the ability to dynamically scale up and down capacity on demand as needed, and run virtualized network functions – routers, forwarders, firewalls, etc. – that change the network topology and its security posture. IT security and network operations teams require real-time visibility about the impact that these IaaS hybrid cloud architectures are having on the overall enterprise network.

By using the Lumeta ESI AMI within AWS, IT professionals can:

  1. Gain critical insight into the real-time, dynamic nature of the cloud, by performing discovery within a private virtual cloud instance inside AWS. This is accomplished by “pointing” Lumeta ESI internally within AWS to crawl and discover virtual routers, firewalls, gateways, AMIs and other cloud resources.
  2. Get visibility into the entire enterprise while taking advantage of the ease, affordability and scale of AWS compute resources to run the Lumeta ESI Command Center. Instead of deploying an ESI Command Center on-premises, spin up a virtual ESI Command Center instance in the AWS cloud and connect it to ESI Scouts (sensors) deployed within the network to assess enterprise-based network assets and routes.
  3. Continuously monitor the network edge. From the ESI Command Center within AWS, interrogate and analyze firewall gaps on the enterprise network edge in real time.

Because Lumeta ESI listens to and crawls virtual or physical networks in near-real time, ESI enables organizations to gain network situational awareness of their presence in private, public and hybrid cloud environments.

“Organizations are rapidly moving to the cloud, and AWS is the leader in IaaS cloud computing. The availability of Lumeta ESI on AWS Marketplace makes it easy for customers to have complete visibility into their virtual cloud deployments, their on-premises infrastructure, and their network edge,” said Reggie Best, chief product officer at Lumeta. “IT can scan their AWS cloud, their traditional enterprise and their Internet-facing presence for a comprehensive view of the network.”

How It Works

Lumeta ESI provides customers with a comprehensive view of all IP connections and devices on their network, including those previously unknown. Comprised of multiple network crawling methods including network, host, enhanced perimeter and leak path discovery, Lumeta ESI uses a combination of active interrogation, passive listening and advanced profiling techniques to search everything that's on the network (not just an IP range that is supplied for scanning), resulting in a comprehensive view of the entire routed infrastructure. Lumeta ESI acts in real time to detect changes to the network’s security.

Lumeta ESI provides visibility into the dynamic nature of the cloud in real time – discovering, mapping and alerting about network topology changes, including transitory servers (VMs) and other network infrastructure (gateways, switch/router/firewall and forwarding devices). ESI forms a holistic view of both physical and virtual networks, providing perspective of network vulnerability from within a network data center and throughout any cloud instances.

Availability & Pricing

Lumeta ESI version 2.1.1 is available now from the AWS Marketplace as a Bring Your Own License (BYOL) offering. Under the BYOL model, AWS customers can purchase their ESI license directly from Lumeta or a Lumeta cybersecurity integration partner. List price for an annual subscription starts at approximately $540/month (SaaS).