Galician SMEs benefit from the electromagnetic simulation MaxFEM

Galician SMEs benefit from the electromagnetic simulation MaxFEM

The first course in electromagnetic simulation software with free MaxFEM developed in Galicia was presented to companies, freelancers, technology centers and graduate students at the premises of AIMEN with a considerable number of users. Fourteen participants from Spain and Portugal were able to learn and experience first hand how to use this advanced software using the platform provided by CloudPYME CESGA for small and medium businesses requiring computational power.

MaxFEM is a software developed within the Engineering Mathematics Group, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Santiago de Compostela in collaboration with the CESGA that allows the simulation of electrostatic, direct current, magnetostatics and eddy currents in two and three dimensions. Based on the programs in the department of Compostela University, its open architecture allows the inclusion of other models and even other types of simulations based on finite element techniques. Moreover, among the various utilities that incorporates, features a free tool for converting between different formats archiving meshes often used in the simulation. The software is distributed under GPLv3 both in its binary version, available for Microsoft Windows and Linux, and source code.

Course development for the Cloud platform for companies that CESGA has integrated with their supercomputing infrastructure and storage used. This platform, called CloudPYME, gives access to more than 100 supercomputing applications fully integrated in the computing environment of CESGA. For MaxFEM allows remote viewing of both the results and the implementation of the models in the virtual machine itself or on Supercomputers at CESGA. 

The course is part of the activities of CloudPYME, a collaboration between CESGA AIMEN and technology centers in Porrino (Pontevedra) and CATIM in Porto and the Portuguese Association AIMMAP same city project. This project aims to promote the use of supercomputing and big data, the use of  product lifecycle management software (PLM) and open innovation among small and medium enterprises in Galicia and Northern Portugal. Funded by POCTEP border cooperation program allows these companies to explore the usefulness of these tools to improve their competitiveness or to address problems that are beyond their current capabilities, all with free software that reduces costs.