Australia's Santos Signs Access Agreement with Paradigm

Paradigm seismic interpretation and reservoir characterization suites to be deployed in all Santos operations.

Today, Paradigm ( announced the signing of a multi-year enterprise contract with Australia-based Santos Limited. The contract will provide Santos essentially unlimited access to the full scope of Paradigm seismic interpretation and reservoir characterization products.

"After a detailed technical evaluation, we selected Paradigm technology for the functionality of their interpretation and characterization applications," said Trevor Brown, Santos Vice President Exploration. "At Santos, we place a strong emphasis on integrated workflows and data management, backed up by functionally rich applications."

The Paradigm seismic interpretation solution provides geoscientists multi-2D and -3D tools for creating seamless interpretation and analyzing seismic data. This improves interpretation time and greatly assists geoscientists in identifying potential exploration prospects and drilling targets. Paradigm reservoir characterization applications enable the integration of the interpreted model with reservoir properties obtained from well logs and core data so that engineers are better able to determine potential reserves and fluid flow behavior.

"Santos truly has technology at its core and believes in using cutting-edge science to generate real value" said David Betty, Paradigm executive vice president for Asia Pacific. "At Paradigm we share this vision and look forward to helping Santos meet its evolving business needs throughout the coming years."

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