SRM-SRB Interface: A new milestone for grid interoperation

ASGC (Academia Sinica Grid Computing) launches the SRM-SRB Interface Software Version 1.0 release today at OGF 26.   This is exciting news for the Grid community.  Interoperation between the two most commonly deployed data solutions, SRM (Storage Resource Manager) and SRB (Storage Resource Broker) is a great step towards pragmatic solutions for Grid interoperation.

Both SRM and SRB offer ways of accessing the storage available on a grid — using either tapes, disks or disk arrays. However, storage elements running SRB cannot be accessed by a grid running SRM, and vice versa.  Most grids run by using either one of these two solutions for storage.  If different grid infrastructures are to interoperate, then the two standards need to work together.

As a component of Enabling Grids for E-sciencE’s gLite middleware that features dynamic space and file management, SRM is currently a widely adopted interface to the storage management system of production grids. The development of SRM-SRB Interface not only makes the popular SRB data grid system interoperable with the EGEE infrastructure, but also strengthens SRB with additional functionalities such as space reservation and Virtual Organisation support.

By using the GridFTP data transfer protocol and advanced data management tools, such as AMGA – the gLite Metadata Catalogue – data can be transferred between SRM and SRB.  In SRM-SRB Interface, AMGA is used to implement the File catalog as well as to provide a uniform interface for replication management and to the backend database.

SRM-SRB Interface makes SRB an archival system of the gLite-based e-Infrastructure, supports a flexible lifetime policy for files – volatile, durable and permanent – as well as imposing the same VO-based resource policy and security control to SRB as the Grid infrastructure.

To install SRM-SRB Interface, please refer to