Washington State University Taps SiCortex High-Productivity Computers to Study the Deformation of Earth’s Surface

Italy’s recent earthquake brought to light the need for more research into predicting tectonic plate movement, the primary cause of earthquakes. By learning more about exactly what combination of factors cause the earth’s crust and lithosphere to shift, scientists believe they can better understand present and future movement – ultimately helping local populations better prepare for earthquakes. Current research at Washington State University just may hold the key to continental deformation.

Assistant Professor Catherine Cooper from the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences is conducting geodynamics research to analyze the interactions between tectonic plates and the Earth’s mantle. Using high-productivity computing (HPC) systems from SiCortex, Cooper is employing a combination of theoretical and 3-D computational modeling to research the processes controlling lithospheric plate interactions and mantle convection, the flow of heat within Earth’s interior. By better understanding the future state of the planet, Cooper hopes to reveal a better understanding of the forces behind surface deformation that could result in damaging earthquakes.

“High-productivity computing is paving the way for better understanding of what causes earthquakes, ultimately helping with natural disaster prediction and preparedness,” said Chris Stone, president and CEO of SiCortex, maker of the world’s most energy-efficient computers. “Dr. Cooper has joined the ranks of other SiCortex-powered scientists whose research will ultimately save lives.”

Cooper’s research, funded by start up funds from the University, uses three SiCortex computers: two 72-processor desk-side development platforms and a 600-processor production system. The latter is so integral to their research, Cooper’s team has named it Persephone – the goddess of the underworld in Greek Mythology. SiCortex’s uniquely parallel architecture and compact design provides a complete 2.1 TFlops computing system in a single cabinet, enabling Cooper to focus on her complex geodynamics calculations instead of on her computing platform.

“Geodynamics depends on the ability to perform complex computer simulations which require large machines that are often complicated to understand and use,” said Cooper. “However, with Persephone and its sister SiCortex systems in my lab, I was able to start my research within two and a half hours of receiving the computers. Installation is intuitive – essentially just plug it in and go. The SiCortex systems help me perform critical applications and complex, non-linear calculations that make my research on tectonic processes possible and, because they are as intuitive to use as they are to set-up, allow me to concentrate on the exciting science at hand.”

Beyond the machine’s parallel computing capabilities, the University selected the SiCortex HPC systems for their unmatched energy efficiency. In comparison to conventional alternatives, the University expects to save thousands of dollars in electricity costs annually – especially important in these tight economic times.