SCinet Call for Circuits

Deadline for Wide Area Circuit Requirements is May 29, 2009

The Network for Education and Research in Oregon (NERO), the Oregon GigaPOP (OGIG) and its partners in Oregon are partnering with SCinet, the network built each year to support exhibitors and attendees of the SC conference, to provide Wide Area Networking (WAN) services support for SC09 to be held in Portland, Oregon, November 14th through 20th, 2009.  In order to plan the WAN and metro resources required to support conference participants, SCinet is requesting exhibitors and network entities to identify their WAN circuit requirements into the Oregon Convention Center by May 29, 2009.

The SCinet WAN Team will work with Internet2, National LambdaRail (NLR) and NERO to implement the required circuits for SC09 from the Internet2 and NLR connection point in Portland, Oregon to the Oregon Convention Center. The following WAN services are planned to be available: ESnet’s IP Network and Science Data Network, Internet2's IP Network and Dynamic Circuit Network, NLR’s PacketNet and FrameNet as well as commodity Internet.

Please contact the SCinet WAN team with the details of your particular requirements including:

* Circuit type and bandwidth
* Carrier or provider
* Circuit origination point
* Circuit termination point on the SC09 showfloor

Even if you are unable to provide all the details above please contact the SCinet WAN Team as soon as possible.  The deadline for submitting your organization's WAN circuit requirements is May 29, 2009.  Unless
otherwise expressly agreed to by the SCinet WAN Team, all WAN circuits will be terminated at the Oregon Convention Center. Please contact the SCinet WAN Team with any questions: