Achieving Grid interoperation through standardisation: OGF endorses new proposed standard

Standards within technology allow for growth, improvement and mainstream adoption. The time is now ripe for computing grids to start consolidating their experiences within international standards and the Open Grid Forum (OGF) and the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project are leading the way.
In a major step forward for international grid standards, OGF announced on Tuesday 3 March that they endorse the GLUE 2.0 specification as a proposed standard ( The specification delivers the long-awaited common information model of Grid entities. This document is a product of the international grid community, with contributions from the largest grid infrastructure projects and their middleware providers, such as EGEE, Open Science Grid, TeraGrid, NorduGrid, NAREGI and practical experiences from the science collaborations around the Large Hadron Collider (WLCG).
“During the recent years the grid community has been working very hard to reach convergence on how grid entities are modelled and described. The non existence of a common information model has always been a major obstacle for interoperability. The release of the GLUE 2.0 specification as an OGF proposed standard is a major achievement of the grid community. As one of the founders of the GLUE working group the Nordugrid Collaboration is naturally committed to adopting GLUE 2.0 through its ARC middleware” said Balazs Konya, NorduGrid Technical Coordinator and co-chair of the GLUE Working Group. “This will allow us to provide standards-based interoperability for our users with several grid infrastructures, including EGEE, the world's largest multidisciplinary grid.”
The pervasiveness of the internet and worldwide web in modern life would not be possible without the underlying standards which everyone understands and uses. For grids to reach this level of ubiquity the global community needs to agree and codify the protocols that should be used across the board. OGF are the largest body working towards these necessary standards within grids. Built from users, vendors and developers, OGF allows everyone associated with the technology to have their say on the standards adopted.
“The Information Service within any grid project is vital in allowing users and their applications to discover the existence of services and the capability of their underlying resources,” said Steven Newhouse, EGEE’s Technical Director. “The GLUE 2.0 specification represents the most recent phase of sustained effort between the major grid infrastructures around the world that has taken place over several years to build interoperability between our systems. EGEE will be adopting and deploying the GLUE 2.0 specification within our Information Service over the next year to provide an interoperable base that our user community can use to exploit services from our own and our collaborating infrastructures.”
The GLUE 2.0 specification will be celebrated and presented at the OGF25 in Catania this week.
Agreeing on standards requires intense international co-operation; to reflect this the 25th Open Grid Forum and the 2nd International OGF-Europe event is co-located with the 4th User Forum of the world's largest multi-disciplinary grid infrastructure: EGEE holds its 4th User Forum in Catania, Italy, this week. EGEE’s goal of providing a sustainable, large scale computing facility for research would be impossible without standardising the underlying technology.
Over the week there will be numerous sessions on defining, discussing and debating the standards which need to be in place for the future growth of Grids. The sessions will include the lessons to be learned from the high throughput computing community, the benefits of grid standards to other computing infrastructures like volunteer projects based on BOINC and discussions on which path to take in various aspects of the grid technology from workload management to metadata.
For more information on Grids and Standards you can download the GridTalk project's Grid Briefing on the topic from