Vietnam, Paradigm collaborate on geoscience projects

Paradigm today announced that it will collaborate with Vietnam Petroleum Institute (VPI), the leading provider of geoscientific and technological consultancy for the Vietnamese government and state-owned Petrovietnam, on geosciences consulting projects within Vietnam. The agreement calls for cooperation on projects related to seismic interpretation, prospect generation, geological modeling, integrated field studies and field development plans. In support of this collaboration, Paradigm will install its software at VPI offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and conduct training for VPI employees. "Vietnam has been a particular focus for Paradigm in 2008, and we are very pleased about this opportunity for us to work closely with VPI," said Chris Cottam, Paradigm's vice president of business development for Paradigm strategic consulting. "We believe that VPI's expert knowledge of the local petroleum systems, combined with Paradigm's technology and project management expertise, will lead to significant benefits for E&P companies operating in Vietnam." "The Vietnamese petroleum industry is a key player in the national economy, and it continues to offer great growth potential both nationally and abroad. Being considered as the geoscience-based consultant to PVN, one of VPI's policies is to develop cooperative relations with international partners, particularly in R&D," said Dr. Phan Ngoc Trung, general director of VPI. "A joint endeavor with Paradigm supports our efforts to maximize exploitation, exploration and production in order to enhance our nation's oil reserves." For more information on Paradigm products and services, contact your regional office directly (find information at its Web site), or e-mail