Webinar: Enabling Cloud Computing for the Enterprise

Terremark's Enterprise Cloud is changing the rules for mission-critical infrastructure. Instead of deploying traditional servers, you control a pool of computing resources - processing, storage and networking - that allows you to precisely provision your computing capabilities for mission-critical applications.

Join us for a webinar on February 3rd or February 4th. You can choose to attend either of these two dates depending on your availability. We'll discuss the agility, scalability and flexibility cloud computing brings to the enterprise, showcase how your peers are using this technology to meet their business goals and reduce costs, and present a live demonstration of our Enterprise Cloud platform, showing how computing capacity can be allocated, deployed and managed at the click of a button, allowing you to respond in real time to the ever-changing needs of your business. You'll also be able to register for a no-obligation 30 day trial of the platform.

Register at: https://terremark.webex.com/terremark/onstage/g.php?p=1&t=m.

Topic: Enabling Cloud Computing For The Enterprise
Dates: Tuesday February 3rd 2009, Wednesday February 4th 2009
Time: 2:00 pm ET (11:00 a.m. PT)
Duration: 30 minute presentation + interactive Q&A
Dial-in information and presentation URL will be provided upon registration.