Mission Critical Linux Ships Convolo Cluster DataGuard Edition Version 2.0

LOWELL, MA -- Mission Critical Linux, Inc. today announced the availability of Convolo Cluster DataGuard Edition Version 2.0, the most fully functional Linux high availability cluster solution on the market. This release includes many new features, some of the most important include: the ability to configure enterprise-strength high-availability Samba solutions - allowing heterogeneous file serving to Windows clients - support for the Linux V2.4 kernel and the ReiserFS journalled file system, and seamless recovery from network interface failure. Additionally, support for the latest database software releases, such as Oracle 9i, DB/2 EEE, and Informix is included. Once again, Mission Critical Linux, Inc. brings business-critical Linux solutions to the enterprise. DataGuard Edition is a member of Mission Critical Linux's growing family of Convolo Cluster products. DataGuard Edition is targeted at commercial application environments that require shared disk storage, such as databases and file & print servers. Another member of the Convolo Cluster product family, NetGuard Edition, is being announced today. NetGuard Edition provides support for up to 128 node clusters and is designed for applications that require sub-second response to failures, such as Web front-ends and compute intensive environments. The Convolo family of products is designed to meet any high availability requirement in the Linux market. DataGuard Edition V2.0 follows on from the highly successful V1.2 release, which was, and remains, the only Linux clustering product to completely support NFS in failover environments. Building on this technology lead, V2.0 provides a fully featured Samba high availability capability. Samba provides the ability for Linux systems to host file & print services to Microsoft Windows clients, supporting Microsoft SMB and CIFS environments. Now, with Samba and DataGuard Edition, is it possible to deploy clustered file & print services to Windows clients - delivering 99.999%, "five nines", availability. This capability allows IT departments to realize considerable cost savings in their back-end servers while delivering improved services to the Windows desktop environment. The DataGuard Edition cluster is built from the ground up for Linux, and is certified on all major Linux distributions. The shared storage architecture supports SCSI and Fibre Channel, complete Quorum-based data integrity, active-passive and active-active failover configurations, highly available Samba, NFS and Apache services and out of the box database applications such as Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, Sybase, and MySQL. In addition, Mission Critical Linux Inc. has qualified DataGuard Edition on the IA-32 and Itanium architectures. "The demand for clustered Samba support has been very strong. Customers wish to extend their usage of Linux beyond their Web infrastructures - they want to realize its cost saving and reliability features in their desktop server environments too," said Brian Stevens, Chief Technology Officer at Mission Critical Linux, Inc. "For companies facing the prospect of server upgrades from Windows NT to Windows 2000 - which entail considerable complexity and, more often than not, additional hardware - a move to Linux is extremely attractive. The software cost is very significantly lower, additional hardware is not required, and the capabilities and reliability are typically better than a Windows server solution. We are extremely pleased to be able to deliver this technology to our customers. It continues with our vision of moving Linux to the enterprise." For more information visit www.missioncriticallinux.com