Acceleware to demonstrate GPU accelerated reverse time migration solution

Acceleware to Demonstrate GPU Accelerated Reverse Time Migration Solution at SEG in Las Vegas: Acceleware has announced they will be demonstrating a fully GPU accelerated version of Reverse Time Migration (RTM) at the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) annual convention in Las Vegas from November 10-13, 2008. The Acceleware RTM solution will be on demonstration in Hewlett Packard’s (HP) booth #729, and the Acceleware booth #15. RTM is a state-of-the-art technique for imaging subsurface geological structures that fully handles the two-way wave equation to improve imaging in areas of complex geology. The superior imaging quality of RTM comes at the cost of extremely intensive computational requirements that has traditionally limited its widespread adoption. The Acceleware RTM Solution (AxRTM), currently in Beta testing at multiple oil and seismic processing companies, provides a 2D and 3D software solution that breaks the traditional computational barrier by allowing RTM applications to leverage the massive parallel processing capabilities of GPUs. AxRTM provides full MPI support and managed domain decomposition to efficiently scale to hundreds of GPUs to tackle the largest RTM problems. Proprietary Acceleware technology that removes the hard disk input/output (I/O) bottleneck that limits efficient scaling on traditional CPU based clusters also contributes to the large scaling capacity of the solution. For customers requiring to process their in-house RTM code faster, a well-defined and robust API allows easy integration with AxRTM to quickly begin to benefit from GPU deployment. Acceleware also offers professional services to customize the base RTM for the specialized science of customers. Some of the important Acceleware AxRTM key features include: • Message Passing Interface (MPI) and cluster capable – scales and solves RTM domains larger than a single node • Proprietary source wavefield reconstruction technology – high fidelity reconstruction while removing the hard disk I/O bottleneck • Fully manages domain decomposition and synchronization between nodes at each timestep • Higher order spatial stencils (8th & higher) • Support for Variable Depth Discretization • All Absorbing boundary conditions for typical migrations Acceleware develops and markets a software acceleration platform that brings unparalleled performance and speed to today’s most strenuous and challenging computing demands. The Acceleware solution enables applications to run highly efficiently in massively multi-core accelerators, speeding up data processing and simulation applications. Acceleware will be represented in HPs booth #729 at SEG and will demo an interactive geophysical wave simulator that is the highly accelerated core of their new Reverse Time Migration software solution. At the Acceleware booth #15, attendees will have the opportunity to view the AxRTM demo, Acceleware’s software solution for Reverse Time Migration. The AxRTM demo will be on display at the 2008 Super Computing conference in Austin, Texas from November 17 to 20 in the HP, NVIDIA and Acceleware booth. For more information on the AxRTM please go to its Web site.