A national conference on cyberinfrastructure (CI) comes to Clemson

CI Days at Clemson University will take place May 19-21 at the Madren Conference Center and will bring Clemson faculty, staff and students together with national experts to raise awareness about cyberinfrastructure and spark collaboration across disciplines. Nearly 340 attendees are registered and include Clemson faculty, graduate students and IT staff as well as colleagues from over a dozen other SC universities and research centers. "This important meeting will help faculty understand how recent improvements in our capabilities for high performance computing can impact and support scholarship, teaching, research and outreach across the disciplines," said Clemson President James F. Barker. CI Days is part of a national forum designed to explore innovative ways to integrate information technology into teaching, research and outreach programs. The Clemson conference is co-sponsored by several Clemson University mission VPs and a number of key corporate partners including Dell, Apple, SUN and Cisco. The effort also is supported by a national collaboration of computing and networking agencies including: * Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) * National Science Foundation (NSF) * Department of Energy (DOE) * Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) * National LambdaRail (NLR) * EDUCAUSE * Internet2 * TeraGrid * Open Science Grid (OSG) * Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) * International Research Network Connections (IRNC) Mark Lundstrom will deliver the keynote address "Adventures in Cyberinfrastructure: Observations of an Accidental Tourist" at 9:45 a.m. on Tuesday, May 20. Lundstrom is the Scifres Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University and Director of the National Science Foundation's Network for Computational Nanotechnology. "This is a unique opportunity for our faculty, graduate students and IT staff to share needs, ideas and projects with national and regional providers of CI resources and services to build working alliances that meet our educational needs and promote our collective missions," said James Bottum, vice provost and chief information officer at Clemson. Visit http://cidays.clemson.edu for: * A live online feed to the conference sessions; * A link to conference photos; * More information on cyberinfrastructure and this conference; and * A schedule of events. Information on the national CI Days effort is available at www.cidays.org.