emgs Significantly Expands Cluster to Secure Further Growth

emgs has entered into an agreement with Dell to significantly expand the in-house high performance computer cluster in Trondheim, Norway. Due to strong demand for processing capacity the current utilisation of emgs' existing computer cluster is 100 percent. This investment will expand the cluster from the existing 500 server nodes up to 1,800 servers, giving an expected increase of computing power from 7.2 to 70 Tflops. 'emgs is the pioneer in the seabed logging industry. We are the technology leader and control of the resource base, including all hardware and software, is vital to strengthen this position further. This investment will significantly increase emgs' data processing capacity and secure growth going forward', comments CEO Terje Eidesmo. The investment of approximately NOK 38 million will be capitalized and depreciated over a period of 5 years.