CD-adapco, ARC Host Free CAE Seminars on Nov 29, 30

One of the driving forces in today’s marketplace is the continuing demand for reduction in cost and development time. CAE is at the forefront of a revolution in which Computational Fluid Dynamics has integrated into the design process, enabling development cycles to shorten and cost to reduce. Early design evaluation eliminates inefficiencies or problems and allows optimum designs to be validated before committing to capital expenditure. Reduction in prototypes saves the cost of pilot plants, testing and additional redesign. On the 29th and 30th of November 2005, CD-adapco and the Alberta Research Council (ARC) will be hosting two free seminars for Engineers and Scientists involved in analyzing flow and thermal conditions in industries such as Process, Aerospace and Oil/Gas. The seminars will provide attendees an appreciation of how computational fluid dynamics and the general integration of computer aided engineering into a design process can reduce design cycles, solve uncharted problems and accelerate time-to-market engineering solutions for products. To find out how to optimize your designs with CFD, you are invited to join us for lunch and discussion at one of the seminars. Each seminar will start with lunch, followed with presentations by Stephen McILwain from CD-adapco and Gary Kovacik from ARC. These presentations will include demonstrations of software toolsets and solution strategies (polyhedral meshing for example), followed by further discussion and an opportunity for Q & A. The seminar on the 29th will be held at The General Assembly Room, ARC Calgary. The seminar on the 30th will be held at The Auditorium, ARC Milwoods in Edmonton. For further details, contact Stephen McILwain at or obtain full addresses and detailed maps from its Web site.