The TCPP Student Travel Awards

The TCPP is pleased to announce availability of student travel awards for the following upcoming TCPP-affiliated events: (1) The 10th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC03) (2) The IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2003) The awards will be granted to TCPP student members and will partially support registration and travel costs to attend the event. To apply send, via email: - A letter from the student describing his/her academic standing and interests, his/her expected graduation date and degree, advisor's name, and, if available, a URL for a working Web page. The student should indicate which meeting he/she wishes to travel to and why attending the meeting would be useful for his/her research or career. - A one-page vita that includes the student's research interests, projects, and papers published. - A letter of recommendation from the student's advisor. - If applicable, the title(s) of the paper(s) to be presented (co-authored) by the student at the meeting. Note that preference will be given to students who have paper(s) accepted at the meeting. The TCPP recognition awards: The TCPP is calling for nominations for TCPP recognition awards. TCPP recognition awards will be given for outstanding contributions in the areas of parallel processing teaching, research, and general service to the community. Application for the TCPP recognition awards should include: - Name and affiliation, - Contact information, - A short biography, highlighting the relevant contributions of nominee. Please email applications for the TCPP student travel or recognition awards to