SGI Puts Supercomputing on Wheels

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- Silicon Graphics, Inc. today announced it has put supercomputing on wheels with the launch of the SGI(R) Mobile Innovation Center. The Mobile Innovation Center is a state-of-the-art customized 18-wheel truck equipped with SGI's latest technology solutions for high-performance computing, storage, and advanced visualization. This rolling corporate briefing center and demonstration facility brings the power of SGI(R) technology directly to customers so they can experience SGI's high-performance solutions that tackle the world's most demanding engineering, scientific and creative challenges. SGI Mobile Innovation Center demonstrates SGI's ability to deploy supercomputing solutions anywhere. This facility has the power required to process and analyze data equivalent to a 100 years of worldwide climate data or MRI data from 35,000 patients. This vast amount of data is more readily understood when interpreted using the immersive visualization capabilities of the onboard SGI(R) Reality Center(R) facility. The SGI Mobile Innovation Center North American tour began on August 21, 2003. The SGI Mobile Innovation Center features extraordinary real-world application demonstrations accompanied by knowledgeable personnel who discuss mission-critical solutions for customers. These solutions fuel the most significant scientific and creative breakthroughs in the government and defense, sciences, manufacturing, energy, and media markets. "We're bringing our best technology to our customer sites," Anthony Robbins, senior vice president of North American sales, SGI. "This program exemplifies SGI's ability to deliver high-performance computing, storage and visualization solutions in a flexible manner and adapt to our customers changing needs." All Aboard Visitors to the Mobile Innovation Center immerse themselves in the twenty-seat on board SGI Reality Center facility powered by a SGI(R) Onyx(R) visualization system. Demonstrations fascinate as participants view the secrets of a 3,000 year old mummy, explore the galaxy, discover new energy reserves, design the car of the future, or feel the thrill pilots get flying jets through photorealistic terrain. Driven by the Silicon Graphics(R) Onyx4(TM) UltimateVision(TM) visualization system, the SGI Reality Center facility is the ultimate in immersive, collaborative visualization with the highest quality and resolution graphics available. Users can examine technology solutions that support their most critical workflow processes and accelerate speed to market, mission-critical decisions, or the next scientific discovery. New visualization technologies like Visual Area Networking, demonstrate instant visual access to large data sets independent of the location of the data or the people accessing it thus allowing users to gain new insights and uncover new options that lead to better decisions and breakthroughs in a collaborative environment. Software presentations and demonstrations using SGI(R) InfiniteStorage family of storage solutions facilitate real-time data sharing in heterogeneous computing environments between users and focus on accelerating workflow processes for high-performance computing customers. LSI Logic Storage Systems, one of the sponsors of the Mobile Innovation Center, and SGI showcase solutions for managing complex data in high-performance computing environments Users can also experience the power of the SGI(R) Altix(TM) 3000 family of servers and superclusters that combines SGI supercomputing architecture with Intel(R) Itanium(R) 2 processors and the Linux(R) operating system. SGI Altix 3000 is recognized as the first Linux system that scales up to 128 processors and is the first cluster ever to allow global shared-memory access across nodes. SGI Altix is the recipient of the "Best in Show" award at LinuxWorld NYC 2002 and "Product of the Year" by Linux Journal. Technology featured by the sponsors of SGI Mobile Innovation Center include, Brocade, Clarity Visual Systems, Discreet, Intel, and LSI Logic Storage Systems, and StorageTek. "SGI's Mobile Innovation Center validates the concept of a mobile command center or decision support center. It delivers supercomputing muscle conveniently packaged in a traveling facility that can provide unparalleled compute capability, wherever it is needed," said Tony Celeste, national director defense sector, SGI. "Homeland security planners could have a realistic digital model of a major city as they go about the work of monitoring equipment and personnel. They could track developing events and have the data processing capability when and where they need it to analyze the information. In applications such as homeland security situational awareness-being physically close to the project location-is critical to operational success." The SGI Mobile Innovation Center will make more than 100 stops over 12 months in cities all over the U.S. and Canada. For more information or a tour schedule visit .