Compaq and OSDN Create Clustering Foundry for Open Source Community

HOUSTON, TX—Compaq Computer Corporation (NYSE: CPQ) and OSDN, a subsidiary of VA Linux Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: LNUX), today announced the launch of the first-ever Clustering Foundry on, the world’s largest Open Source development Website. The Clustering Foundry makes Compaq’s 20 years of research and expertise in the area of compute and high-availability clustering available to the Open Source community. “Compaq engineers have been developing and fine-tuning cluster technology for more than 20 years,” said Gary Campbell, vice president of enterprise server strategy for the Office of the CTO at Compaq. “With our new clustering foundry, Compaq is providing the first central place for the Open Source community to share ideas and collaborate on clustering projects—further solving important business problems and propelling enterprise wide uses of Linux technology.” To make enterprise server clusters more manageable, Compaq has now released its Single System Image (SSI) Clustering Technology to the Open Source community. SSI treats multiple servers as if they were one server, giving administrators and application users a single view of the cluster to simplify common system tasks such as load balancing, server expansion on demand, password sign-on, software upgrades, and application access. “From genomics to pharmaceutical research to rendering special effects, Linux clusters are already helping to solve some of the most compute-intensive challenges we see today,” said Brian Finley, Clustering Foundry guide and author of SystemImager software. “We hope to grow the Clustering Foundry into a fundamental part of the clustering technology landscape, connecting developers, projects and users.” Foundries provide a framework for inter-project collaboration in specific technology areas such as Open Source clustering, printing and storage. In addition to providing developers with the information, discussion forums and tools they need to develop and contribute to clustering software projects, the Clustering Foundry is also developing a comprehensive menu of links to topic areas ranging from message passing interfaces to cluster file systems. For more information visit or