Computer History Museum Appoints Greg Papadopoulos to Board of Directors

The Computer History Museum (CHM) has announced the appointment of a new trustee to its Board of Directors: Greg Papadopoulos, Executive in Residence at New Enterprise Associates (NEA) and former Chief Technology Officer at Sun Microsystems.

Papadopoulos joins the board at a momentous time for the Museum, which recently announced plans for its new signature exhibition, "Revolution: The First 2000 Years of Computing." The world's most comprehensive physical and online exploration of computing history, the exhibition will span from the abacus to the Internet, and beyond, in a 25,000-square foot wonderland of more than 1,000 artifacts, alongside the people and stories that illustrate the social impact of computing.

"Mr. Papadopoulos brings valuable insights from his leadership of Silicon Valley technology companies, entrepreneurial spirit and academia," said John Hollar, CHM's president and CEO. "With two decades of technology experience, he will play a key role in the growing community of support that enables us to fulfill our mission to present the history of computing to a broad audience in a fascinating and unexpected way."

With more than 20 years' experience in the technology industry, Greg Papadopoulos is currently an Executive in Residence with NEA, a leading global venture capital firm based in Menlo Park, Calif. During his career he has held several executive positions, most recently serving as Chief Technology Officer at Sun Microsystems, where he directed the company's $2B R&D portfolio. Along with his work as a practicing engineer with HP and Honeywell, Papadopoulos has also helped found a number of his own companies, from video conferencing (PictureTel) to computational fluid dynamics (Exa Corporation). Papadopoulos was also an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, where he conducted research in scalable systems, multithreaded/data flow processor architecture, functional and declarative languages, and fault-tolerant computing. He also served as Senior Architect at Thinking Machines, where he led the design of CM-6 Massively Parallel Multiprocessor. He holds a bachelor's degree in systems science from the University of California at San Diego, as well as master's and doctoral degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT.

Papadopoulos is an active advisor for the schools of engineering at UCSD, UC Berkeley, MIT and San Jose State. He also serves on the UC Presidents Board for Science and Innovation, and is a trustee for the SETI Institute. Passionate about technology and its possibilities, Papadopoulos is a relentless advocate for diversity in engineering and a supporter of open development models that stimulate communication, inclusiveness and innovation. He is the co-author of "Citizen Engineer: A Handbook for Socially Responsible Engineering," published in 2010 by Prentice Hall.