DataDirect Networks HPC Storage Solutions Featured Throughout SC06

DataDirect's CTO Dave Fellinger to Speak About Advanced Storage Technologies for HPC Environments: DataDirect Networks will be featured in 11 partner booths throughout Supercomputing 2006 (SC'06). Additionally, DataDirect will be showcasing their latest storage solutions in Booth 1424. This year's Supercomputing 2006 will be held at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida, November 11th to 17th. DataDirect Networks' S2A9550 High Performance InfiniBand (IB) Storage Solution, S2A9550 High Performance Fibre Channel-4 Storage solution, S2A9550 High Density Active Archive Solution with SATA Storage, and the S2A9550 IB and FC-4 High Performance Storage Solution will be displayed in partner booths throughout SC'06 including: California Institute of Technology (Booth #1249), Cisco Systems (Booth #1035), IBM (Booth #1205), Illinois University (Booth #1428), Indiana University (Booth #2214), Mellanox (Booth #1535), SCInet (Booth #1545), SGI (Booth #905), SilverStorm (Booth #216), TCB (Booth #224), and Wright Pattersen AFB - ASC (Booth #735). Further, DataDirect's Chief Technical officer, Dave Fellinger, will be speaking about advanced storage technologies and solutions for HPC at five different venues during the three day exhibit event, including: * The Future of Storage and Commodity Clusters: Exhibitor Forum Room 113, at 2:30pm Tuesday, November 14th. * The Benefits of Silicon Storage Appliances (S2A) in HPC: IBM Booth 1205, at 3:30pm Tuesday, November 14th. * Overcoming the Challenges of Mass Storage in HPC Environments: Hyatt Regency Tampa, at 9:30am, Wednesday November 15th. * The Future of Petascale Storage: DataDirect Networks Booth 1424, at 1:00pm, Wednesday November 15th. * The Challenges of Mass Storage in HPC Environments: Cray Booth 1515, at 11:00am, Thursday November 16th. More on DataDirect Networks and the Silicon Storage Appliance Over the last three years, DataDirect Networks has achieved an astounding 150 percent growth in the storage capacity shipped to its HPC customers, becoming the storage of choice for many government, academia and corporate supercomputing sites, and ranked as the 5th largest independent storage provider by Gartner. DataDirect Networks' Silicon Storage Appliance (S2A) family of products are in production in 36 of the Top 100 supercomputing sites in the world with major installations at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Sandia National Laboratories, PCS, NCSA, NOAA, NASA and NASA Ames, NERSC, SDSC, LNXI, ORNL, Argonne National Laboratory, CEA, Dresden TUD, and many others. DataDirect Networks' successes have included the deployment of more than one petabyte (a thousand terabytes) of storage behind the world's fastest supercomputer, IBM's Blue Gene/L, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories as well as with a cluster of Bull NovaScale SMP servers and power "Tera10," the number one supercomputer in Europe. DataDirect Networks' success is driven by its industry leading S2A technology, a 7th generation RAID storage networking system and solutions with FC-4 and InfiniBand front end server connectivity, and Fibre Channel and SATA back-end disk support. The S2A delivers ultra-high levels of performance (3 GB/s), scalability (1,000 disks) and reliability (multiple levels of redundancy with continuous on-the-fly data protection with no loss of performance) across a broad range of computational, visualization, and nearline environments. DataDirect Networks' S2A offers broad infrastructure support powering compute clusters from IBM, Dell, Cray, SGI, Bull and others. DataDirect Networks works closely with OEMs, well known systems integrators, and advisors who serve the needs of Government and High Performance Computing community.