AGI Joins National Space Exploration Coalition

Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI) recently pledged its support to a growing alliance of aerospace organizations, known as the Coalition for Space Exploration. The coalition, formally established in January 2004, grew out of months of focused discussions among industry representatives on the need to garner public support for future NASA initiatives. Moving forward from President George W. Bush's January 14th directive entitled "A Renewed Spirit of Discovery," the coalition further charted a course to lead America toward its space exploration goals beginning with the return to flight and ultimately manning missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. "The coalition aims to support not just the health and longevity of space exploration and technology, but that of our nation and world," says Lauren Miller, director of marketing for AGI. "AGI is pleased to participate in such a worthy endeavor, and we're eager to provide our software technology, expertise, and resources to make our shared vision a reality." In addition to AGI, coalition representatives include Aerojet, ATK Thiokol, Boeing, California Space Authority, Florida Space Authority, Hamilton Sundstrand, Lockheed Martin, Moog, NASA, Pratt & Whitney, Space Foundation, and United Space Alliance. The collaborative effort has a definitive mission: to retain the United States' status as a leader in the fields of space, science, and technology, and, in turn, boost national security, the U.S. economy, and humans' inherent need to explore. By providing fair, accurate, and balanced findings to appropriate sources, the coalition hopes to secure funding for the re-focused space exploration policy, highlight its vast benefits, and solicit participation from those most passionate about space. Membership in the Coalition for Space Exploration is open to any U.S.-based organization that supports the development, exploration, and utilization of space, and is willing to commit funding or other resources to the cause of space exploration. For membership information, contact coalition communication and action team support manager and Space Foundation chief of staff Jim Janette by telephone at 719.576.8000 or by e-mail at