The 2nd European Across-Grids Conference aims to examine the state of the art in research and technology developments in Grid Computing, as well as to provide a forum for the presentation and exchange of views on latest grid-related research results and future work. The objective of the Conference is to bring together the academic and industrial research communities working on Grid Technologies in Europe and around the world. Across Grids 2004 is organized by CrossGrid, a European Union funded project on Grid research, GRIDSTART, the EU-sponsored initiative for consolidating technical advances in grids in Europe, and the University of Cyprus. The Conference is hosted in Nicosia, Cyprus, and continues the successful 1st European Across Grids Conference, held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on February 2003. This year, the Conference will also host the Second IST Concertation Meeting on Grid Research, which brings together key European Grid technology and application developers involved in EU funded Grid Projects. More information is available at the conference web site: TOPICS OF INTEREST The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Grid Architecture, Middleware, and Toolkits. * Grid Programming Models. * Tools and Environments for the Grid. * Data Management, Performance, Monitoring of Grids. * Problem-Solving Environments and Grid applications. * Grid infrastructures and testbeds. PAPER SUBMISSION Across Grids 2004 solicits full research, application, and large-testbed experience papers. In addition, it solicits posters and short papers reporting work-in-progress. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The Conference plans to publish selected revised papers in a post-proceedings volume in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Selected papers will be invited to submit to a special issue of the Scientific Programming journal. Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished papers, and short papers reporting work-in-progress. Papers must be formatted using the LNCS guidelines of Springer ( Full papers must be at most 10 pages, whereas short papers should be limited to 2 pages. All submissions will be handled electronically, at the web site for the Conference: For more information, please contact IMPORTANT DATES Paper submissions: Nov. 7, 2003 (** new deadline **) Author notification: Nov 30, 2003 Camera-ready: Dec 15, 2003 CONFERENCE CHAIRS: Conference General Chairs: Michal Turala, ACC Cyfronet & INP, Krakow, Poland Marc Parsons, EPCC, Univ. of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Program Committee Chair: Marios Dikaiakos, Univ. of Cyprus, Cyprus Posters & Demonstrations Chair: Jesus Marco, CSIC, Spain PROGRAM COMMITTEE: A. Bogdanov, Inst. for High-Performance Computing & Databases, Russia M. Bubak, Inst. of Comp. Science & Cyfronet, Poland B. Coghlan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland M. Cosnard, INRIA, France Y. Cotronis, Univ. of Athens, Greece J. Cunha, New University of Lisbon, Portugal E. Deelman, ISI, Univ. of Southern California, USA M. Delfino, Univ. Autonoma Barcelona, Spain M. Dikaiakos, Univ. of Cyprus, Cyprus B. DiMartino, Second University of Naples, Italy J. Dongarra, Univ. of Tenessee, USA T. Fahringer, University of Innsbruck, Austria I. Foster, ANL and Univ. of Chicago, USA G. Fox, Univ. of Indiana, USA W. Gentzsch, Sun Europe, Germany M. Gerndt, TU Munchen, Germany A. Gomez, CESGA, Spain A. Hoekstra, Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands E. Houstis, University of Thessaly, Greece P. Kacsuk, Sztaki, Hungary J. Labarta, Univ. Polytechnica Catalunya, Spain D. Laforenza, CNR, Italy E. Markatos, ICS-FORTH & Univ. of Crete, Greece L. Matyska, Masary University, Czech Republic N. Meyer, Poznan Supercomputing Center, Poland B. Miller, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA L. Moreau, Univ. of Southampton, UK T. Priol, INRIA/IRISA, France D. Reed, Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA R. Sakellariou, Univ. of Manchester, UK M. Senar, Univ. Autonoma Barcelona, Spain P. Sloot, Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands L. Snyder, Univ. of Washington, USA P. Trancoso, Univ. of Cyprus, Cyprus D. Walker, Univ. of Wales, UK R. Wismueller, TU Munchen, Germany