Building Innovation in Spain

• The main objective of the Network event is to increase the productive use of mathematical methods and techniques in the private sector through university-industry collaboration

This Friday, September 30,
Santiago de Compostela will host the Red Española Matemática-Industria ( event. It is a partnership that will comprise of research groups in Spain related to the mathematical technology transfer to industry. Its main mission will be increase the presence of high productive mathematical methods and techniques in the private sector, promoting participation of research groups in the field of mathematics in strategic collaborations projects with industry. Some of these techniques, such as statistics or design and computer-aided engineering (CAD / CAE) are widely deployed in Spanish enterprises.
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The presentation ceremony of the Network will attend the rectors of the Universities of Santiago de 
Compostela and A Coruña, Juan Casares Long and José María Barja, respectively, as well as the CEO of R & D + i of the Xunta de Galicia, Chapel Ricardo Pueyo, and the deputy general manager Innovation Business Development, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Luis Álvarez Cueto Sotomayor. It also intervene Network President, Professor of Mathematics Applied Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim Quintela, who explained that Network is and what its main objectives and expected results and the counselor FerroSolar delegate, Ramon Ordaz, which will focus on the advantages for this industry collaboration.
Among the audience will be attended by the presidents of the Royal Mathematical Society And the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, Society representatives Spanish Applied Mathematics, researchers, representatives of member universities Network, representatives of the governments of the Autonomous Communities to which belong groups that are part of the Network, and representatives of business and technology centers collaborators.

Continued Consolider Ingenio Mathematica
This network was created as an evolution of Consolider Ingenio Mathematica (i-MATH) that is nearing completion, and through that developed a massive outreach, information and relationship between the university and the company. Following this intense activity emerged a number of partnerships and contracts between groups of research and industry, which will be increased in future years. Since the frame Consolider temporary Ingenio Mathematica ends in April 2012, the creation of this. It will allow to continue this activity and opportunities arising from the project.
Ingenio MATHEMATICA (i-MATH) is a unique research project Consolider for period 2006-2011 which proposes a comprehensive program for the Research Activity Spanish mathematics with the basic objective of promoting and implementing strategic actions state level to increase qualitatively and quantitatively the weight of mathematics in the international scene and in the Spanish system of science, technology, business and society.
Mathematical research enterprise-oriented
In the past 14 years the research groups for technology transfer mathematical signed a large number of direct contracts with companies, more than 400, and taught nearly 200 training courses to technology centers and companies. These contracts allowed the university to obtain private financing of about 10 million euros. 111 developed its own software packages, of which 40% were transferred to the industry. Furthermore, these groups have extensive experience in areas such as transfer Public Administration, Computer and Communications, Logistics, Finance, Energy, Materials and Environment. These data, taken from the Survey of Technological Offer Groups or entities for Research carried out under the project i-MATH, place of emphasized that an important part of the activity undertaken by these research groups is oriented industry. However, it is necessary to continue this work with the aim of bringing mathematical technology to more companies and, above all, raise awareness of the need to apply these techniques.