Cheetah Operations Simulator Helps Customers Optimize Performance

Cheetah Software Systems has announced the availability of the Cheetah Operations Simulator, a powerful tool for analyzing the impact of operational changes, monitoring performance, and identifying opportunities to dramatically increase operational performance. The Cheetah Operations Simulator is available immediately to all Cheetah customers.

The Cheetah Operations Simulator works by comparing historical data against simulated data within the Cheetah system, allowing customers to evaluate complex “what if” scenarios to answer questions such as:

- Is more or less equipment required for optimal performance?
- Can we profitably handle more orders with our current assets?
- Should we expand or consolidate our terminal network?

Some of the features of the Cheetah Operations Simulator are:

- Uses production data to rerun a day’s work
- Runs at hyper speed – rerun a 15-hour production day in one hour
- Simulate driver communications activities
- Create a route analysis spreadsheet comparing actual vs. simulated results

“The Cheetah Operations Simulator helps our customers make intelligent decisions about how their operations are running and where improvements can be made,” said Bobby Darroll, Cheetah’s President and CEO. “Cheetah customers can run through scenarios representing days of operations in a few hours, allowing them to identify ways to improve their efficiency, productivity, and ultimately their profitability.”

The Cheetah Operations Simulator is available to Cheetah customers immediately. For more information about Cheetah Software Systems and Cheetah Operations Simulator, contact Mark Coppock at, or visit