Ammasso 1100 Leverages Power of 2.6 Linux Kernel

Ammasso, Inc., today announced that the Ammasso 1100, the world’s first high performance, low latency RDMA-enabled Ethernet adapter, now provides support for SUSE LINUX Professional with the advanced, high-performance 2.6 Linux kernel. Ammasso also announced plans to support SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9, Novell's reliable, robust and secure Linux offering, designed and supported specifically for enterprise deployments. Available since June, 2004, the Ammasso 1100 has been installed in over 50 organizations, including major universities, government research sites, and large commercial enterprises. Ammasso has already been supporting SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8, and SUSE LINUX Professional 9, and, with this release, will support users who require the very latest in functionality. Additionally, Ammasso will work toward certification on future releases. “Our customers in the high-performance computing market, who are doing leading-edge research, require the advanced technology and performance that SUSE LINUX Professional with the Linux 2.6 kernel provides.” said Larry Genovesi, CEO of Ammasso. “We are responding to these needs by continuing to extend our software efforts and deliver significant enhancements for our customers”. With the Ammasso 1100, customers can leverage existing Ethernet infrastructures by taking advantage of switches, cables, and trained personnel already in place. The Ammasso 1100 increases performance of application-to-application data transfers by lowering message latency, offloading the host CPU, and leveraging RDMA technologies. Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is a set of technologies that enable the movement of data from the memory of one server directly into the memory of another without involving either operating system, thus reducing CPU usage and increasing performance. “The enhancements of the Linux kernel 2.6 provide the performance, scalability, and memory management functions needed for high-performance solutions”, said Chris Cooper, director of developer services for Novell (NOVL). “By porting their technologies to SUSE LINUX, partners like Ammasso help grow the Linux ecosystem, providing customers with new choices in how to leverage the power of open source.” The Ammasso 1100 adapter may be purchased through Ammasso resellers or by contacting Ammasso at or calling Ammasso directly at 617-532-8100. The new support for SUSE LINUX Professional 9.1 running on Intel x86 and AMD Opteron platforms is available to current customers at no charge.