<center>Supercomputer Devoted to Ocean Modeling Unveiled

On Dec. 14, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, along with partners Cal-(IT)2, IBM & SDSC dedicated one of the world's fastest supercomputers devoted entirely to ocean modeling. The clustered system has 512 CPUs (each 128 node cluster has 256), and is already hard at work at Scripps’ Center for Observations, Modeling and Prediction (COMPAS). For a brief description of the new supercomputer and its role at COMPAS, Supercomputing Online turned to Detlef Stammer, COMPAS director and associate professor in the Physical Oceanography Research Division of Scripps at UCSD.
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Also, DO NOT MISS this great COMPAS video from our friends at UCSD! Click here for access -- BEST VIEWED WITH REAL PLAYER --