New Sun Server Sets Record on Java Benchmark

NEW YORK, NY -- Sun Microsystems, Inc. today submitted world record results using the new Sun Fire[tm] 15K server on the SPECjbb2000 benchmark, achieving results of 324,542 operations per second, 2.5 times faster than IBM's best published results. To date, no other vendor has published results of this magnitude for a SPECjbb2000 benchmark. This benchmark also marks the first time a single Java[tm] virtual machine has been scaled to beyond 24 processors. The SPECjbb2000 benchmark tests the performance of a Java application tier portion of a multi-tier datacenter application. The Java technology provides the industry's most comprehensive cross-system application development and deployment platform. Java technology based software runs on all major enterprise and desktop operating systems including the Solaris[tm] Operating Environment, Linux, AIX, OS/390, HP-UX, Windows, and Macintosh, as well as on client devices, such as cell phones, PDAs, and pagers. With Java technology running on such a wide range of hardware, benchmark performance becomes a key way to compare systems performance, and SPECjbb2000 gives Java technology users an objective and representative benchmark for measuring a system's ability to run Java technology based server applications. SPECjbb2000 (Java Business Benchmark) is the Standard Performance Evaluation Corp.'s benchmark for evaluating server-side Java technology performance. It models a three-tier system, the most common type of server-side Java application. SPECjbb2000 focuses on business logic and object manipulation and the work of a middle-tier server workload based on Java technology. The workload benchmarked is a typical business-critical workload, including order-entry, inquiry and payment processing. The benchmark was run on a 72-way Sun Fire 15K configuration with 900 MHz UltraSPARC[tm] III processors and 288GB of memory running the Java[tm] 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE[tm]), version 1.3.1. SPECjbb2000 is a trademark of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC). Competitive numbers shown reflect results published on as of 9/25/01. For the latest SPECjbb2000 results visit