Sun Simplifies Business Integration with Latest Version Of J2EE

PALO ALTO, CA -- Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNW) today announced the latest version of the Java(TM) 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE(TM)), simplifying business integration and delivering increased functionality for developing and deploying enterprise-level web services. "The Java effect is unstoppable," said Rich Green, vice president and general manager, Java and XML Software, Sun Microsystems. "J2EE has already captured the attention of industry leading corporations and with over 30 licensees to date, thousands of companies are able to realize the value of choice, interoperability and simplified connectivity. Java technology is key to cross-platform independence and this latest version of J2EE enables companies to integrate their legacy systems with evolving standards, allowing them to deploy a competitive architecture for web services. It is one of the key building blocks of Sun ONE, Sun's standards based infrastructure that helps solution providers build services on demand." Today's announcement marks the delivery by the Java Community Process(SM) of the J2EE version 1.3 platform specification. The specification provides the written description of the functionality (CTS) which delivers a suite of tests, tools and documentation for ensuring compatibility. Upon successful completion of the test suite, licensees may use the Java Compatible, Enterprise Edition brand. “This process allows licensees to create their own applications," said Rob Gingell, chair of the Java Community Process program. "One of the primary reasons J2EE has become an industry-recognized development platform is the expertise and knowledge contributed by the hundreds of participants in the process. The result of this industry collaboration is a Java-enabled end-to-end architecture that leverages the power of enterprise servers and delivers application access to the widest range of modern Internet clients, from desktop computers to hand-held devices, PDAs, set-top boxes and smart cards." The enhancements found in this new version continue to build on the fundamental value propositions of J2EE: simplified business integration; simplicity of development; and freedom of choice. Simplified business integration -- J2EE Connectors: Connectors enable easy integration with existing heterogeneous systems including back-end applications, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Resource Management (CRM) systems. -- Java Message Service (JMS) API and Message Driven Beans: Java APIs allow applications to create, send, receive and read messages without requiring the sender or receiver to be available at the same time (asynchronously); message driven beans provide a component model for messaging. Simplicity of development and freedom of choice -- Enterprise JavaBeans(TM) 2.0 (EJB(TM)): EJB architecture now incorporates new container-managed persistence, which dramatically simplifies the development of distributed applications; required Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) interoperability facilitates communication between application servers from different vendors. -- Increased XML Integration: An essential part of web services, XML integration is enhanced with the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) and the ability to write and manipulate JavaServer Pages(TM) (JSP(TM)) technology in XML. -- JSP Framework and Servlets: Java servlet filters are web components that support the application of multiple context-based transformations and enable access from a variety of client devices; JSP 1.2 allows XML tools to create JSPs. The J2EE standard offers a complete market of tools, products and applications, allowing companies to lower development costs and raise the J2EE developer value-add with their transferable skills. Yet another instance of Sun's commitment to open, standards-based technologies, the new specification helps partners and licensees develop products and applications that provide their customers with compelling competitive advantages. For more information visit