Peribit Announces Application of DNA-Based Methods to Attack Technology Problems

SANTA CLARA, CA -- Peribit Networks, Inc. today announced the availability of the first and only products that harness the principles used in the mapping of DNA to drastically improve IT efficiency. The company's Molecular Sequence Reduction (MSR) technology employs patent-pending algorithms that identify and eliminate previously undetected repetitions in data traffic flowing across wide area networks (WANs). Peribit MSR allows businesses to discover and recover lost network capacity while improving application performance and reducing IT costs. The company also announced the immediate availability of their first product, the SR-50, which is based on MSR. The SR-50 reduces network traffic by up to 90% and increases network capacity by four to ten times over wide area network links initially ranging up to T3 speeds. Molecular Sequence Reduction -- First Use of DNA Methods to Attack IT Problems Peribit's MSR technology leverages the repetitive sequence analysis techniques used to examine DNA patterns in computational molecular biology to identify and eliminate data flow and pattern similarities over wide area networks. As a result of this unique technology, Peribit has found that between 70% and 90% of WAN capacity is littered with useless, repetitive data. These non-informative repetitions waste valuable network resources and severely degrade network efficiency and application performance. By identifying, and then eliminating these repetitions, Peribit's Sequence Reduction products allow enterprises to harness drastic increases in network capacity over their existing network infrastructure. Peribit's Molecular Sequence Reduction is also the only technology that operates on all traffic that traverses the network -- any application, content, protocol or transmission technology. "The growing amount and complexity of network traffic is overwhelming corporate networks," said Amit Singh, cofounder and chief scientist of Peribit Networks. "These networks are like highways that have become increasingly congested as the number of vehicles on the road continues to grow. In the past, IT has had three choices -- do nothing, use 'band-aids' like a car-pool or diamond lane to speed up some traffic while slowing down others, or buy expensive bandwidth. Buying more capacity is like widening a freeway -- it is costly, complicated, and very time-consuming. Not to mention the down time and frustration during the construction process. Peribit's technology provides a new and compelling alternative that dramatically reduces the amount of traffic on the network. Its like instantly converting a two lane road to a ten lane highway without any of the pain or cost of expansion." Peribit's SR-50 Sequence Reducer Product Peribit's SR-50 product is LAN-based and sits at each site where sequence reduction and re-assembly takes place, bracketing a company's most performance-limited and cost-constrained wide area network links. Operating transparently within the network, the SR-50 features two 10/100 Ethernet ports and can currently process IP WAN traffic up to 50 megabits per second. All traffic that is not destined for the WAN simply travels through the device at wire speeds. The SR-50 is the first product to identify repetitions and patterns at the byte level, in real time, across all applications and over millions of sessions. It eliminates massive amounts of repetitive traffic over the WAN, resulting in increased effective link capacity, reduced network congestion, and improved overall data flow. The wide area network as a whole becomes much more efficient, because far fewer packets traverse the WAN after adding SR-50s. Data travels unhindered and faster, routers run faster, and the same amount of bandwidth reaps greater results. And less data is lost due to network congestion. The SR-50 includes a web-based monitoring capability that serves as a window into the WAN, allowing companies to instantly see the levels of traffic reduction achieved according to each of their applications, over any period of time. This reporting function also provides custom metrics for return on investment, which, in some cases, can be achieved within a few months. The SR-50 installs in ten minutes and requires no operator intervention or tuning. When installed, the SR-50 automatically finds other SR-50s in the network and immediately begins encoding and decoding traffic running over the WAN. "For years, I've looked for ways to get more data over my networks more efficiently and for less money," said Shawn Farshchi, CIO of BroadVision. "I've experimented with various caching, QoS and compression technologies. While there was some improvement in traffic flow, they really functioned as stopgap measures. The Peribit SR-50 is the only product that allows me to drastically increase the flow of data over my network by five times instantly -- without the pain of ordering expensive bandwidth and then waiting for availability, and without any changes to my routers or switches. Now I'm running my business using the SR-50 with my other products. My network is supporting much more traffic, I'm running more applications at higher levels of performance, and I didn't have to increase my bandwidth costs one cent." Corporate IT's Prevailing Pain -- Ever Increasing Data Over The Network Network expenses and complexity have consistently presented a challenge for IT managers seeking to keep up with increasing amount of data flooding over their networks and the desire to implement new and innovative applications. Despite the availability of backbone fiber, bandwidth requires expensive equipment to make it useable. While bandwidth is plentiful at the backbone, there is a shortage of high-speed, local-access connections where businesses need it -- at the last mile. In many cases, the flow of data traffic and the deployment of increasingly bandwidth-intensive applications. As a result, many businesses have made serious compromises on productivity and competitiveness. "This is the first product to really address business' needs for capacity relief in their private networks," said Tom Nolle, president of CIMI Corporation. "Peribit has jumped over caching and more traditional solutions to network performance and capacity problems with a strategy that's easy to apply and universal in its scope. There are a dozen things a clever enterprise can do with something like this, and all of them will save money and improve application performance." For more information visit