Reinhold Mann Named Deputy Laboratory Director at PNNL

RICHLAND, WA -- Reinhold Mann, currently director of life sciences at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, has been named deputy laboratory director for science and technology at DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Mann will begin his new assignment Oct. 1. His duties will include assuring that key scientific initiatives at PNNL—including systems biology, computational science and engineering, and nanoscience and nanotechnology—will be integrated with PNNL's other research activities. In making the announcement, PNNL Director Lura Powell said Mann's outstanding research career and extensive management experience will help strengthen the science and technology programs at the laboratory and better link it with ORNL. "Reinhold is highly thought of by DOE and others for his ability to integrate large programs and lead large research teams," she said. "He will play a key role in seeing that PNNL is well positioned to meet critical needs across all DOE mission areas." Mann has more than 20 years of experience as a researcher and leader in life, physical, computational and engineering sciences. He joined ORNL as a visiting scientist in 1981 and, during the next two decades, built successful programs in robotics and intelligent systems, bioinformatics and computational biology. In 1997, he led the formation of ORNL's Life Sciences Division, where he serves as director. In 1999, he received the ORNL Leader of the Year Award in recognition of his strong management skills. Mann earned a master's degree in mathematics and a doctorate in physics from Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. PNNL is a DOE research facility and delivers breakthrough science and technology in the areas of environment, energy, health, fundamental sciences and national security. Battelle, based in Columbus, Ohio, has operated the laboratory for DOE since 1965. Battelle and the University of Tennessee, through UT-Battelle, have operated Oak Ridge National Laboratory since April 2000.