HPC Project Launches First Par4all Dedicated to GPU Computing

HPC Project introduces the first version of Par4all open parallelization platform with automatic code generation for NVIDIA GPU-based hybrid computing architectures.

A year after the Par4all initiative announcement, this version is the result of a collaborative development with the computer research center (CRI) of the prestigious French Ecole des Mines in Paris. Par4all is the industrial implementation of a technology developed by the CRI team. Its goal is to allow industrial users to meet the challenge of multicore architectures and other parallel processors.

Par4all 1.0 is dedicated to hybrid computing approaches using GPU (graphic processing units). From a C or FORTRAN application, Par4all automatically generates a parallel code including CUDA compilable on NVIDIA GPU. The generated code is readable and completely traceable with the original code without any calls to the Par4all tool chain. The original code remains the reference and future other technological choices are open. The whole process works like a usual compilation.

Before the end of the year, a new version will concentrate on performance optimization for the generated code on the new NVIDIA FERMI processors.

The automation offered by this open platform enables the developers to focus on the functions and algorithms of their applications. Par4All gives them the necessary support to manage their development life cycle and to follow the evolution of execution architectures.