Teradata Unveils Appliance for SAS HPA

At the SAS Global Forum in Orlando, FL today, Teradata has launched the Teradata 700 appliance for SAS High-Performance Analytics (HPA). The new analytic platform is now available as part of an integrated offering, called “SAS High-Performance Analytics for Teradata.” The new offering leverages an exciting approach known as in-memory analytics, which distributes complex analytics in parallel across a vast pool of memory, giving organizations high-speed tools to tap into patterns and insights hidden in large volumes of data.

The Teradata 700 appliance, an expansion of the database platform family, is pre-loaded with SAS High-Performance Analytics software – a single purpose system designed exclusively to leverage SAS advanced analytics.

“SAS High-Performance Analytics for Teradata leverages a purpose-built, dedicated, and scalable Teradata 700 appliance to accelerate the model development cycle. It’s designed for organizations that require a finer set of answers for immediate action and quick business value,” said Scott Gnau, president of Teradata Labs. “It maintains all the qualities and features of the Teradata appliance family, including integration with the Teradata Analytical Ecosystem for synchronization with other systems within the current infrastructure. SAS High-Performance Analytics for Teradata offers a timely and attractive value proposition for organizations caught up in the big data explosion, the dynamics of hyper-competition, and an unpredictable economy.”

As the pace of business intensifies, the value of timely and accurate decisions is at a premium. High-speed responses to complex queries can make or break a campaign, opportunity or profitable execution. In a recent engagement with an existing customer, in-memory analytics on Teradata delivered game-changing results by improving modeling and complex query performance from a week down to less than 2 minutes. New customers can expect similar results.

“SAS High-Performance Analytics for Teradata combines superior software for data exploration, model development, and model deployment -- with the powerful new Teradata 700 appliance to help users address business and IT challenges in an integrated system,” said Keith Collins, SAS Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer. “By creating insights that drive consistent answers across the enterprise in a single-purpose appliance, business decisions can be made with greater confidence, accuracy, speed and precision.”

SAS High-Performance Analytics for Teradata is the newest offer in the Advantage Program, and delivers an integrated solution to:

  •     Dramatically increase yield from current analytic modeling processes
  •     Compress analytic modeling life cycles from weeks to minutes
  •     Solve business problems quickly – even those previously unanswerable
  •     Greatly increase the productivity of analytic staff
  •     Ensure a unified solution, with software, hardware and services

The Teradata 700 appliance for SAS High-Performance Analytics is applicable across all industries. Some uses include:
• Telco - Customer Analytics include Segmentation, Acquisition, Churn
• Finance/Banking - Dynamic Pricing, Risk Management, Credit Risk
• Retail - Customer Analytics, Marketing and Pricing Optimization

SAS High-Performance Analytics for Teradata is now available and delivers an integrated system that allows organizations to analyze large volumes of data, and enhance model development and deployment capabilities – to empower business analysts to support key decisions more accurately and with richer insight.

Figure 1: SAS High-Performance Analytics for Teradata consists of data exploration, model development and model deployment software on a designated Teradata appliance.