Merge to Connect to Surescripts Network for Clinical Interoperability to Deliver Imaging Results Directly to Physician EHR Systems

Merge Healthcare Incorporated will connect its extensive imaging network with the Surescripts Network for Clinical Interoperability. This connectivity will allow hospitals and imaging centers to electronically deliver imaging reports to care provider organizations through EHRs on the Surescripts Network. In addition to electronically receiving the report through their EHR, ordering physicians will be able to access and view images securely from the Merge Honeycomb cloud-based solution. Sharing results and images is immediately valuable and will become increasingly critical as EHR vendors work to certify their systems and organizations look to attest to Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 2.

"With the majority of physician groups and hospitals now having an EHR in place, these organizations want to receive results electronically to increase efficiency and avoid errors, however connecting to hundreds of certified EHRs is expensive, custom work," said Jeff Surges, CEO of Merge Healthcare. "With Surescripts delivering connectivity solutions that improve the delivery of vital clinical care information between care providers/organizations, and Merge offering premium imaging content, we can help hospitals and imaging centers improve efficiency, reduce costs and most importantly, strengthen care collaboration among referring physicians by delivering radiology reports and image links directly into the physician's EHR."

"Every day, critical clinical information is kept from where it needs to go by technical barriers to clear channels of communication. These obstacles produce an incomplete view of patient records, create the potential for risk to patient health, and increase the cost of healthcare," said Harry Totonis, president and CEO of Surescripts.  "Working with Merge, the Surescripts Network will now offer hospitals and imaging centers the ability to share imaging reports and images, which will continue to improve care delivery and collaboration."  

Merge offers an integrated suite of enterprise imaging solutions that enable hospitals and imaging centers to store, manage, and share medical images both onsite and in the cloud. Both current Merge customers as well as users of other imaging solutions will be able to leverage Merge technology to become part of this new, electronic delivery solution.