Adaptive Computing Releases Moab HPC Suite 7.2

Adaptive Computing announced the release of Moab HPC Suite 7.2. This new version brings together enhancements to accelerate productivity as workload demands increase and introduces scheduling abilities for Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. Additional enhancements include the ability to schedule dual-domain jobs for heterogeneous Cray systems, as well as the ability to automate periodic usage budget resets, and improved RPM-based deployments.
Optimized Scheduling and Allocation for Intel Xeon Phi – The latest version of Moab was designed to recognize and work with the new Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors, based on the Intel Many Integrated Cores (MIC) technology. This ability to automatically detect Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors – and determine their location and availability – improves processor utilization to more intelligently schedule jobs and removes the need for extensive reprogramming to integrate Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors into existing systems. It also allows for policy-based scheduling, optimizing the choice of accelerators and coprocessors. As Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors are introduced into existing systems, this keeps costs and management efforts at a minimum, while maximizing utilization to ensure the most efficient job processing – by utilizing metrics including the number of cores and hardware threads, physical and memory available (total and free), max frequency, architect and load.
Dual-Domain Job Scheduling – Another new feature in Moab is the capability of dual-domain job scheduling for Cray systems. This allows for a single job to be run simultaneously on both Cray and non-Cray nodes, meaning users no longer have to submit two jobs. This is especially useful in research applications wherein different types of analysis are needed, such as multi-physics applications, allowing results to interact.
Period Allocations Reset Capability – Because resource allocations often need to be reset at regular intervals, without rollover, this feature simplifies the process – automatically resetting allocations to provide users with better transparency into usage for each predetermined period, helping them make intelligent budget decisions and eliminating the need to wait for reports.
Faster Installation – The new, streamlined RPM-based installation of the Moab HPC Suite means admins will spend less time in deployment. The new RPM install packages automate the install process for all components, including software dependencies.
“Adaptive Computing’s early support for systems incorporating Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors with the new Moab HPC Suite 7.2 demonstrates the industry’s anticipation for this type of solution,” said Bill Magro, director of Technical Computing Software Solutions at Intel. “The combination of Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors’ efficient performance and Moab’s workload management optimization policies enables customers to accelerate job performance and significantly shorten time to solution for key product and scientific discoveries.”