More Than 450 U.S. and International Technology Leaders to Discuss Internet Advancements that Benefit Research, Education, and Science

Internet2 Community Focuses On New Technologies To Further Big Data Collaborative Science and Higher Education at Jan. 13-18 Global Technical Meeting
More than 450 U.S. and international technology leaders from Internet2, ESnet and the Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) will present the latest advances in Software Defined Networking (SDN), new disruptive technologies for “Big Data” and cloud applications bundled within the recently upgraded 100G Internet2 Network. The global technical meeting, called TIP2013 and previously held in 2008, will be hosted by the University of Hawaii from Jan. 13-18.
Throughout the week, U.S. and international technology leaders will preview and discuss new technologies designed to simultaneously develop next-generation Internet technologies and provide the most sophisticated platform for accelerating scientific discovery among research universities and other institutions, including federal laboratories. A complete agenda can be found at and more than 70 sessions will be viewable online. 
The Internet2 Network is the first nationwide open SDN platform bundling 100G technology and 8.8 Tbps of capacity to support researchers’ “Big Data” collaborative science needs. Internet2's 100G national network, which uses OpenFlow, along with ESnet's 100G national network, together provide the nation’s science, research and
education communities with the fastest, coast-to-coast networks in the world.
“The University of Hawaii has a storied place in Internet history, innovating the basic concepts that led to Ethernet through their Aloha inter-island wireless network over 40 years ago,” said Rob Vietzke, Internet2 vice president of network services. “We are excited to be back with them and the global research and education community, who together created the core technologies of the original Internet, to collaborate on completely new, transformational capabilities for the next generation of Internet innovation. The Internet2 research community and commercial vendors are collaborating on the latest technologies to help researchers and institutions develop what’s next for the nation and the world.”
The schedule includes keynote presentations from such Internet luminaries as Michael McRobbie, Indiana University president and APAN founding member; Dr. Ian Foster, Director of the Computation Institute at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab; and Paul Vixie, chairman and founder, Internet Systems Consortium. 
TIP2013 encourages greater global dialogue, facilitates technical collaboration across the Pacific, and provides an important discussion forum for issues of concern to research and education network stakeholders. The meeting includes workshops, tutorials, and discussions on topics such as DNSsec, monitoring and protecting internet routes, large-scale network simulations, building a Science DMZ, visualizing network data SDN/OpenFlow, and real time collaboration technologies like SIP cloud voice services, interactive high definition video conferencing and more.