Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Workshop Video Available On Demand

The video of the April 3, 2013, Cybersecurity Framework Workshop convened by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) is now available for streaming on demand. This meeting, held at the Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C., brought together experts in cybersecurity and critical infrastructure to discuss what issues stakeholders believe should be covered in the framework.

In a February 2013 Executive Order “Improving Critical infrastructure Cybersecurity,” the President called for NIST to work with industry this year to develop a voluntary framework for reducing cyber risks to critical infrastructure. Critical infrastructure is defined as systems critical to the country’s security, including economic and public health safety. This framework will be designed to help infrastructure owners and operators to manage cybersecurity-related risk while protecting business confidentiality, individual privacy and civil liberties.

The “Cybersecurity Framework Workshop” video includes keynotes by Rebecca Blank, deputy secretary, Department of Commerce; Michael Daniel, special assistant to the President and Cybersecurity Coordinator; Jane Holl Lute, deputy secretary, Department of Homeland Security; and Patrick Gallagher, Undersecretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and director of NIST.

The moderated discussions include “Industry Leaders Perspectives,” “Current Threat Environment for Critical Infrastructure – an Industry Perspective,” “Developing the Cybersecurity Framework: Industry Roundtable,” “Critical Infrastructure Partnership and the Cybersecurity Framework,” and “The Path Forward: Panel Discussion.”

The webinar can be viewed at For more information about the cybersecurity critical infrastructure framework project, including past and future meetings, the Executive Order, the NIST request for information and the comments provided, see