ONCCEE kicks off a 3-day networking event

Building on the success of the first Brazil-Canada joint science and technology workshop held last year in Rio de Janeiro, Ocean Networks Canada’s Centre for Enterprise and Engagement (ONCCEE) is hosting a three-day networking event, from June 11 to 13, to explore and develop potential partnerships in advanced ocean science and technology programs.

Over 60 representatives from industry, research and government from Brazil and Canada are gathering in downtown Victoria to establish a roadmap for further joint R&D efforts and sharing of technologies and expertise.

Canada and Brazil are large maritime nations with long coastlines, robust marine economies and significant amounts of industrial activity offshore. Both countries also have abundant natural resources including major assets in jurisdictional waters. With networks in both countries comprised of academia, research institutions, industry and government, as well as clusters of advanced marine technology companies, there is a strong foundation for an enhanced level of research and development collaboration.

“We’re delighted to have Ocean Networks Canada host this next round of discussions. Both countries have strong growth in technologies for monitoring the marine environment so it is a natural fit. Coupled with the Canada’s advances in marine S&T and the incredible expansion of Brazil’s marine economy, there are numerous opportunities for us to work together,” said Scott McLean, Director, Ocean Networks Canada Centre for Enterprise and Engagement.

The workshop will focus on the following development themes:

  • Ocean Observing Platforms and Environmental Monitoring
  • Sensor Technologies and Remote Sensing
  • Modeling, Prediction and Forecasting
  • Polar Research and Technology
  • A special session marine renewable energy is also scheduled.

Funding support for this important international workshop has been provided by the B.C. Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and ONCCEE.

“Participation in the previous Brazil –Canada International Workshops has proven to be very rewarding for companies, like ASL, that are involved in advanced marine technologies. The networking opportunities are excellent, involving the potential to develop business to business relationships with our counterparts in Brazil as well as to develop and expand collaborative relationships with academia, research labs and industry in both Brazil and at home in Canada,“ commented David Fissel, Chair, ASL Environmental Sciences, Victoria BC.

Learn More:
Report from the first Brazil-Canada workshop, December 2012 (pdf)
- See more at: http://oceannetworks.ca/news/2013/06/brazil-and-canada-explore-joint-ocean-tech-june-11-13#sthash.ZSNGa38G.dpuf